Get to Know the Woodland Hall Tree with Whitney Farrar
1. What was your first impression of the Woodland Hall Tree? The color of the piece was even more beautiful in person. It’s always hard to tell color online, but it was true to color and even mo...

8 Storage Solutions to Organize Your Stylish Home
Even in the cleanest of homes, it’s crazy how stuff just accumulates. You can try your best, but sometimes, between work, your social calendar and your family, it gets hard to keep your home organi...

Step Up Your Entryway with a Shoe Bench
There’s nothing like unlocking your front door and stepping into your home… unless you’re walking right into a pile of shoes. It doesn’t have to be that way. Turn your entryway into a beautiful spa...

5 Ways a Hall Tree Enhances your Home
There are a few rooms in your home that define it: the living room where friends and family gather, the kitchen where warm meals are prepared with love, and the bedroom where rest and relaxation ta...

12 Holiday Entryway Ideas for a Festive Mudroom
Holiday decor doesn’t have to be confined to your living room or places where the family spends most of its time; you can welcome your friends and family with adorable winter decor as soon as they...

With the colder months being finally at your door, you might be wondering how to make your home (and door!) more welcoming for the fall season. If you have entryway furniture such as a hall tree, a...

How to Effectively Maximize Entryway and Mudroom Storage
It’s difficult to put into words how relieved and warm we feel when we arrive home. It’s our sanctuary, and as with all things home and decor, the first impression plays a big role. The entryway i...